Evaluating TRACON, airspace architecture performance 13 years after

Evaluating TRACON, airspace architecture performance 13 years after

Nigeria was hailed for pulling through the total radar coverage of Nigeria (TRACON) system. That era began the modernisation of the country’s airspace. WOLE SHADARE evaluates the effectiveness of the system 13 years after installation From worse to applause There was a time when Nigerian airspace was categorised as one of the worst in Africa comparable with many others put in that bracket. This was a horrible period in the history of aviation in the…

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Assessing Nigerian airports’ security architecture

Assessing Nigerian airports’ security architecture

Since the ICAO security audit helps member states identify critical weaknesses in their aviation security and oversight systems, and also guides them in developing targeted action plans to correct the deficiencies, it is of utmost importance to appraise Nigeria’s recent success at the just concluded test, WOLE SHADARE writes Threat to aviation The threat to civil aviation from acts of unlawful interference is real and constantly evolving. ICAO’s Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP), established in…

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