FG appoints Farouk Ahmed NAMA’s Director of Safety, Electronics Engineering

The Federal Government has made a slight restructuring at the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) following the appointment of Alhaji Farouk Ahmed Umar as Executive Director, Safety Electronics and Engineering of the agency.
Umar’s appointment was officially announced by the government following several months of speculation that he was going to be made the substantive Managing Director of the agency.
The current Acting Managing Director of NAMA, Emma Anasi is said to be due for retirement before the end of the year, fuelling speculation that the Federal Government would replace him with Umar, an engineer.
Umar, a 1988 graduate and was until his appointment the General Manager, Special Project Unit, Aminu Kano International Airport (MAKIA).
He had served at top management level in various capacities as Airspace Mnager, Minna Airport.
He was also General Manager, Procurement at NAMA Headquarters in Lagos.
He bagged Bachelor Engineering from  the Federal University (FUT), Minna; Masters in International Affairs and Diplomacy from the Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria; Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the Lagos State University.
Umar is member, Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (MCOREN); member Nigerian Society of Engineers (MNSE); member Chartered Institute of Administration (MCIA); member, chartered Institute of SupplyN Purchase and Management.
He is presently the most senior General Manager in NAMA.
Wole Shadare


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