Airbus gets strong order for 8 A320 NEO, CEO jetliners for March 2018

  • Delivers 56 airplanes in the month                            

Airbus booked orders for eight A320 Family single-aisle jetliners in the NEO and CEO versions during March, while delivering 56 aircraft in the month from across the company’s in-production single-aisle and wide-body product lines.

 The new business involved six A320neo jetliners for an unidentified customer, and two A321ceo aircraft for Vietnam’s VietJetAir.

 Taking bookings and cancellations into account, net orders logged by Airbus during the first three months of 2018 totalled 45 aircraft.

Jetliners delivered by Airbus in March were received by 31 customers. They were led by the A320 Family, with 45 aircraft provided (including 14 A320neo versions).

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Deliveries of Airbus twin-engine wide-bodies were divided equally between the A350 XWB and A330, with the handover of five A350-900s and five A330s in the -200/-300 configurations. Also delivered during the month was an A380.

 Based on the month’s orders and deliveries activity, Airbus’ overall backlog of jetliners remaining to be delivered as of March 31 totalled 7,189 aircraft, composed of 6,083 from the A320 Family, along with 695 A350s, 303 A330s and 108 A380s.

Wole Shadare